Based in the Netherlands

Hi, I am a freelance
marketer based in
The Netherlands

Discover how we can generate you more customers

How we work

01. Free Consulation

Start of right via our free consultation, so we can get an understanding of the project to know the relevant services needed. Additionally, we will discuss the timeline and scope that would be followed for said project. Finally, we will tackle and obstacles that you or we expect to encounter during the project.

  • Understanding the project
  • Discuss timeline/scope limitations
  • Addressing obstacles expected

02. Discussing Strategy

From our consultation we get right into the details on what strategy to approach your marketing project. We do this by establishing the goal for the project, setting a target audience, choosing the preferred planforms to market from, and finally discussing the content and style for the project.

  • Discuss goal of project (get more clients, awareness etc..)
  • Discuss target audience for company and for the project (if different)
  • Discuss platforms to use (website, social media etc..)
  • Discuss content + style/format to go on each platform
  • Establish communication frequency throughout project based on package.

03. Implementing Strategy

Now the fun part! After setting a strategy its time to implement our strategy and observe the results, whether its more new clients or more recurring clients, we execute the strategy to the end.

  • Apply strategy to your company as discuss
  • Assure execution of strategy is working
  • Address any roadblocks that were or weren’t anticipated
  • Stay up-to-date on project progress via weekly or monthly updates as discussed in strategy

04. Reviewing Results

Your project has now come to an end! After all projects we like to sit down with you and discuss your thoughts of the process and performance of the project. Whether you prefer in person, online or anonymous feedback, this is what will help us ensure that all future projects are handled professionally effectively.

  • Look over results
  • Discuss how your project went and address any concerning matters you may have from the process
  • Give in person feedback or anonymous feedback to ensure further effective outcomes on your future projects. Learning from every experience is critical to our success!


Our Services


Beyond just building a website it is vital that you set up your website to be visible to the right people online. Together we look at what content your website needs for the right customers to find you and buy from you.


Making your website attractive to algorithms is just the first piece of the puzzle. We work to make your website as attractive to the human eye to ensure people stay on your site or page, and more importantly, purchase your services/products. This can be seen by optimizing UX, buyer personas, messaging, competitor research.

Marketing Campaign

Aiding in your execution of any marketing campaign. Whether digital or in person, we help to set up and if needed run your marketing campaigns.

Marketing Strategy

Helping you establish relevant marketing strategies for your projects to ensure maximum reach and leads.

Copy Writing

Creating engaging text to excite, inform, and promote your target market to purchase your services/products.

Social Media

Helping build a presence on social media to stay connected to your customers. Posts, Reels, Stories, Links, etc..


Completed and Ongoing Projects

Valhalla Europe – Financial and Investing Education + Community.

  • Helped create a week long marketing campaign for the company to attrack new community members. Captured content of the community events to use in marketing campaign. Handled the social media account of the company to promote organic growth via scheduled posts, stories, and exerimental reels of popular events. Organized video and photo shoots for company to use material in marketing campaigns plus in daily posts.
  • Services: CRO, Social Media, Content Creation, Marketing Campaign + support

Outdoor Boxing Groningen – Personal boxing training using the fresh outdoors to train.

  • Helped record content, edit and then post on social media. Also provided consulting on how to optimize website for better user experience and effectively bring more clients to the boxing school.
  • Services: SEO, CRO, Social Media, Content Creation

VastRoel – Dutch Real estate + energy label certification

  • I am helping VastRoel optimize his website to attract more clients via layout and design changes intended to increase clicks to book his services. Beyond his website I also will co-manage his LinkedIn by posting optimized blogs relating to his field to grow his online presence organizcally.
  • Services: SEO, CRO, Social Media

Carla Stella – Local Groningen Artist

  • Pushing beyond my comfort zone I am helping this local artist create engaging social media material for her music releases on Instagram. The goal is to find inspiring works
  • Services: Social Media, Content Creation


Who are we and why we are here

Who We Are

Headed by Porfirio, an entrepreneur that works with local talent, to help companies reach greater audiences in a digital world.

Our Vision

To aid small and medium companies in their marketing endeavors, so they can focus on expanding their services.

Our Mission

To help small businesses market themselves in a digital world while maintaining their core identity.


Feedback Froum Our Clients
Micha von Heltau
    Micha von Heltau

    Co-Founder Valhalla Europe

    (Coming soon)

    Melvin Burger
      Melvin Burger

      Outdoor Boxing Groningen

      (Coming soon)

      Carla Stella
        Carla Stella


        (Coming soon)

        Latest News.